Black or White (Part 2)


What if one choice is what you want and the other is what you need. Which side would you take?

With this question, I ended my previous post “Black or white”. It is so clear that choices are here and there, everywhere and anywhere. We used to think that the word “choice” is only related to big issues. We forget that choices are simpler.

You might make a choice to wake up early instead of hitting the snooze button. You might make a choice to have one teaspoon of sugar instead of two. You might also choose to walk instead of taking your car. What I want to say is that we get used to do things without paying attention and without thinking of how many choices we have. Some of you might really did wake up early. But also some of you may choose to hit the snooze button. The first option is probably what you need. But the second option is what you want. If we go back to the first sentence:

What if one choice is what you want and the other is what you need. Which side would you take?

Don’t worry; I am not going to talk about the benefits of waking up early. YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT.  Also, I am not going to convince you to change your habits. I am not qualified to. But these books are:


Out of your comfort zone: breaking boundaries for a life beyond limits

This book was published on the 15th of January, 2015. This step-by-step guide is written by Dr. Emma Mardin; will help you to break out your comfort zone and to conquer your fear. It offers psychological, emotional, and physical techniques to release fear, limitations, and anxiety. You will also be able to take a zone test to measure your comfort zone.

Empower Yourself: How to Make Lemonade when Life Gives You Lemons

First, I hesitated to read this book. But surprisingly, I really enjoyed reading it. It was written by Xenia Tchoumitcheva and published on December 2020. This guide to self-empowerment is covering very important topics from taking responsibility to creating good habits.  This book will also change your attitude towards fashion influencers. Xenia is sharing her thoughts and stories.


I hope you get to read one of them, or both. Last thing to add is that you always have a choice.


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